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[세종대학교] Self Into
Dinara Tilovova 멘토
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Hello, everyone! I'm Dinara, a 20-year-old currently immersed in the vibrant world of Korea for almost two enriching years of study. As an explorer at heart, I find joy in traversing new territories, connecting with diverse individuals, and soaking in the rich cultural experiences this beautiful country has to offer.

When I'm not absorbed in my studies, you'll likely find me at the gym, where I channel my energy into maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Beyond that, I have a passion for public speaking, an avenue through which I express myself and contribute to meaningful conversations. The journey of self-development is a constant pursuit for me, as I believe in the power of continuous growth and learning.

In this exciting phase of my life, I'm eager to make the most of every opportunity, build lasting connections, and create a tapestry of experiences that define my time here. I look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals, sharing stories, and embracing the diverse tapestry of life's adventures. 

I will leave my Instagram here, LET'S CONNECT!

Dinara Tilovova 멘토
멘티 79명 ∙ 스토리 1
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