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[청강문화산업대학교] 我的大学(my university)
金禹振 멘토
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大家好 我叫金禹振。现在在韩已经5年了今年也是我在大学最后一年。我想给大家介绍一下我的大学.

Hi!!! my name is JIN YUZHEN everyone can call me Jin. This year is my last year in university and i stay korea 5 years now. i want introduce my university to everyone.!!


纵所周知我是来自中国的留学生目前在大学学习动漫专业。 也可以使用3种语言分别是中文,韩语,英语。
As you know, I am an international student from China studying animation in university. I can also use three languages: Chinese, Korean, and English.

我的校区 (My campus) 

我的大学名称是‘‘青江文化产业大学’’"청강문화산업대학교"是一所专业大学。但如果你想学动漫我很推荐你来这所大学。我们大学动漫专业是全韩国Top1 全世界Top10。并且有着来自Disney, pixar的两位外籍教授和一些知名韩国电影,游戏,动漫公司工作的教授来亲自教我们学习并且每个教室都拥有电脑和作画室也有属于自己团队的工作室。

My university name is 'chungkang University ' . if you want to learn animation, I'd recommend you to come to this university.Our university's animation major is Top 1 in Korea and Top 10 in the world.In addition, two foreign professors from Disney and Pixar .Other korean professors from famous Korean film, game, and animation companies came to teach us directly. Also each classroom have own computer and studio .

我的大学生活(my university life)


To be honest, I am the only one foreign student in the whole university, so you will experience 100% Korean culture and some knowledge about the cultural industry .Currently, only 1~3 international students are allowed in each major, but if you want to know more about Korean culture and would like to learn animation and film well. I highly recommend you to come to this university.And our university's works are almost the best in Korea.If you come, you'll see a lot of things.



In the end, there are our university's signature kittens, there are many cute cats living in our university.You can play with cats sometimes.!!!!


thank u for everyone read and interested!!!

金禹振 멘토
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