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[경북대학교] Bisilsan tog'i choqqisini zabt qildik /We conquered the peak of Mount Bisilsan
Matyakubov Matyakub Nuraddin ugli 멘토
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Assalomu aleykum bugun biz ertalabdan Kyungpook Milliy Universitetida tahsil olayotgan talabalar bilan Daegu shahrida joylashgan Bisilsan tog'i choqqisiga hiking qildik. Kundalik va o'qish hayotidan holiroq bo'lib  tabiat qoynida maroqli vaqt o'tkazish uchun yo'l oldik.Hiking qilish madaniyati koreys xalqi orasida keng tarqalgan bo'lsa ham biz o'zbeklar orasida ko'pchilk qilmaydi. Lekin hiking qilish nafaqat jismoniy tomonlama shuningdek manaviy va ruhiy tomonlama ham yordam bo'ladi.Tog'ning cho'qqisiga chiqish juda qiyin har hil qiyin yo'llardan baland pastliklarni zabt etish kerak boladi.Lekin shu qiyinchiliklarni yengib o'tgandan so'ng juda ham chiroyli va betakror manzarani ko'rishingiz mumkin bo'ladi.



Bizning hayotimizda ham muvoffaqiyatga erishish huddi tog'ning cho'qqisiga chiqish bilan bir hil. Muvoffaqiyatga erishish uchun oldinga harakat qilish kerak va bu yo'lda qiyichiliklar, baland pastliklar bo'ladi.Shularni yengib o'tzangizgina muvoffaqiyatga erishasiz. 

Agarda siz ham Koreyaga kelmoqchisiz va qanday kelish, qanday qilib yo'nalish tanlash hullas nima qilishni bilmayabsizmi unda hoziroq menga bog'laning va tezda Koreyada talaba obo'lish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ling! 



Hello, today we've been hiking to the top of Mount Bisilsan in Daegu with students studying at Kyungpook National University in the morning. More than busy and university life, we were temped to spend an interesting time in the vise of nature. Although hiking culture is common among Korean people, it does not grow abundantly among Uzbeks. But hiking will not only help you physically but also spiritually.Climbing the top of the mountain will have to conquer high altitudes from all kinds of difficult roads. But after overcoming these challenges, you will be able to see a much more beautiful and ugly scenery. 


Success in our lives is the same as climbing the top of the mountain. To succeed, you need to move forward, and along the way there will be difficulties, highs and  lows. Only if you overcome these will you succeed.

If you also want to come to Korea and don't know how to come, how to choose a direction, then contact me right now and quickly get the opportunity to become a student in Korea! 


Matyakubov Matyakub Nuraddin ugli 멘토
멘티 59명 ∙ 스토리 2
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