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[한양대학교] Alley Cafe : Feel Like Home
Jeneeshkumar 멘토
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Alley Cafe - Feel Like Home

In the bustling streets just behind Hanyang University lies a hidden gem: Alley Cafe (엘리 카페). Nestled in an unassuming alleyway, this quaint establishment exudes the charm of a European cafe, beckoning passersby with its warm ambiance and welcoming atmosphere.


For me, Alley Cafe wasn’t just a place to grab a cup of coffee—it was a sanctuary, a haven where I found solace amidst the chaos of university life. Stepping through its doors felt like stepping into another world, one where time slowed down and worries melted away.


The owner, a kind soul with a perpetual smile, greeted me like an old friend every time I visited. Their genuine warmth added to the cafe’s allure, making it a place I longed to return to again and again.


But it wasn’t just the hospitality that drew me in; Alley Cafe boasted an impressive selection of high-quality coffees and teas that tantalized my taste buds with each sip. From rich espressos to fragrant herbal blends, there was something for every palate.


And let’s not forget about the snacks. The cakes were a decadent indulgence, the yogurts refreshing, and the salads bursting with flavor. Each bite was a culinary delight, leaving me craving more with every visit.


Alley Cafe

(카페앨리 서울 성동구 사근동12길 8 1층 wasn’t just a cafe—it was my sanctuary, my refuge from the chaos of daily life. It was where I found peace, camaraderie, and the perfect cup of coffee. And though I’ve moved on from university days, the memories of Alley Cafe will always hold a special place in my heart.

Jeneeshkumar 멘토
멘티 81명 ∙ 스토리 1
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