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[홍익대학교(서울캠퍼스)] ‘Weird’ bagel in Hongdae?
Woo Ziwoo 멘토
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Hi everyone, I would like to introduce a bagel café in Hongdae! I believe nowadays when you come to Korea, most people should introduce ‘London Bagel Museum’, but there is also another style of bagel café —— ‘susanghan bagel’ which mean weird bagel ????~^^ Even though the names of the bagels there were kinda weird… but all taste so good with a great combination of ingredients and flavours????

tion with chill environment~~


Café name: 수상한베이글 홍대

Café address: 서울 마포구 와우산로15길 22

Woo Ziwoo 멘토
멘티 75명 ∙ 스토리 1
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