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[한국외국어대학교] 【NEW】外国人登陆证 Alien Registration Card Renewal
潘多拉 Dora 멘토
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The design of the alien registration card issued to foreigners residing in Korea has been changed, and this is the second time after 12 years that a new version of the alien registration card has been introduced.





What is the difference with the old version of the landing card?


1. 黑白照片➡️彩色照片 

2. 证件照变大

3. 证件照从登陆证的左侧变到了右侧

4. 新增了二维码,通过扫描二维码可以立刻确实登陆证持有人的个人资料

1. black and white photos ➡️ color photos

2. The photo ID becomes bigger

3. the photo ID has been changed from the left side to the right side of the landing card

4. added a QR code, by scanning the QR code can immediately confirm the personal information of the login card holder




Do I have to get a new version of my landing permit?


不需要 NO


The existing alien registration card will remain valid until it is replaced, and there is no need to reapply. If you wish to replace your alien registration card with a new one, you will need to return your existing alien registration card and pay a fee of 30,000 KRW.


潘多拉 Dora 멘토
멘티 76명 ∙ 스토리 4
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