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[경희대학교(서울캠퍼스)] self introduction
Monita 멘토
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Hello everyone! I am Ngaophasy Daosavanh and I am Laotian. I am currently a second-year student majoring in culture entertainment at Kyung Hee University, South Korea. 


I have been living in Korea for 2 years, spending the first year on Korean language training and another year doing my undergraduate degree. To be honest, as a foreigner living in Korea, I learned a lot about Korean culture, social life as well as university life, and experienced both incredible times and hardships over the previous 2 years. However, those things have brought me who I am today!


I surely believe that many international students or anyone else planning to study in Korea are interested in learning more about what life is really like here, and perhaps could not find people who can provide you with those informations. But don’t worry because you have me! I will honestly help you with any information you need and share my experiences that would be useful for you as well. So please feel free to talk to me whenever you'd like in Lao or English, whichever you are most comfortable using.


Thank you :) 



Monita 멘토
멘티 54명 ∙ 스토리 2
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